In a world that is finally waking up to the climate crisis, everyone has new summits to reach. The COP 26 climate conference in Glasgow this November will be a crucial test. Stronger decarbonization and climate-financing commitments must be made to keep the world on a sustainable path. But even then, the real work will have only just begun. As more businesses hop on the “sustainability” bandwagon, there is an urgent need for new standards and frameworks to sort out genuine green businesses from greenwashers. At the same time, economic thinking is necessarily evolving to account for new environmental realities – though the question of how this should be done is the subject of intense debate. To explore these issues and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on the eve of a crucial moment for global climate action, Project Syndicate is convening a broad range of experts from business, academia, government, and other front-line disciplines.
New Summits is one of two feature events at the center of our 2021 Climate Week coverage. Register now to join us for both events.
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